Discomfort after cervical whiplash

How AtlasPROfilax® can help with discomfort after cervical whiplash

Discomfort after cervical whiplash

Of cervical origin

The diffuse and generalized muscular pain that manifests itself weeks or months after suffering a cervical whiplash, evidences the increase of stiffness of the cerebral stem (control center), consequence of the acceleration / deceleration of head-neck. Head anteriorization can lead to chronic cervical pain and contractures in the suboccipital muscles, in headache.

Whiplash (sudden neck acceleration and deceleration syndrome) can occur as a result of a car collision (rear or side) but also for other reasons such as a bad throw into the water (in a swimming pool, sea, etc.) or in a personal attempt to stop a fall down the stairs, among other reasons.

Among the most important sequelae suffered by whiplash victims are:

  • 90% have pain in the cervical region 
  • 4% suffer from cervical pain radiating to the arm
  • 8% refer to low back pain
  • Almost 18% suffer from headaches
  • About 20% are affected by dizziness and lightheadedness

Some studies have suggested that if you get whiplash or whiplash, you are 13 times more likely to get painful syndromes like Fibromyalgia. (See bibliography). The explanation is the inflammatory involvement of structures such as fascias and muscles and the possible change in the cervical lordosis that would irritate some nerves.

After whiplash, the major lesions are the articular capsules of the upper segment of the cervical spine (C1-C2-C3) as well as the tendons and periarticular muscles. This irritates sensitive receptors and corpuscles which are stimulated by stretching and elongation. The normal integration of position and pain signals is therefore distorted.

Since the crash, I'm not the same anymore!

The imaging techniques practiced in people who have just suffered a whiplash, aim to assess the integrity of structures such as the cervical spine and spinal cord to confirm a diagnosis, establish a correlation between the clinical and radiological findings, as well as the corresponding therapeutic as appropriate.

It often happens that despite the fact that the studies reveal a conserved normality, different clinical manifestations appear late (weeks, months or years later). This is due to the fact that between C0-C1-C2, only one third of the vertebral canal contains the spinal cord, another third contains cerebrospinal fluid and the other third, ligamentous capsules.

Whiplash is the physical mechanism responsible for cervical sprain, the latter consisting of an injury to the ligaments due to unwanted stretching of the muscles of the cervical region due to sudden and traumatic hypermobility of the neck. Studies show that it is enough to suffer an impact between 4 and 15 km/h for a cervical sprain to occur.

Impacts at higher speeds usually lead to dislocations and fractures, and rarely cervical sprains.  The nerve roots most commonly affected are C1 and C2. The muscles that absorb the impact are the suboccipitals, complexes, splenii, scalenes, sternocleidomastoids and trapeziums. 

Some of the most common late clinical manifestations associated with cervical sprain are: Disorders of sensitivity and strength (especially in the arms), decreased cervical mobility, local pain or radiated to the skull and face, shoulders, chest and back, balance disorders, nervous disturbances of sleep, mood and balance.

Effectiveness, improvements and limitations of AtlasPROfilax® in discomfort after cervical whiplash

  • When suffering a whiplash, imaging studies must be performed immediately to rule out dislocations and/or fractures, which require the patient to follow only the conventional protocols dictated by his emergency physician and traumatologist (use of collar, fixations, surgery, etc.).
  • Once dislocations and/or fractures have been ruled out and it has been determined that it is a cervical sprain, the application of AtlasPROfilax® is carried out after a prudential time. 
  • The cervical sprain, a product of whiplash, usually includes a wide range of associated disorders and pains. The levels of improvement depend on the state of the cervical structures at the time of the accident because the more compromised they are before the cervical sprain, the later they will tend to worsen. 
  • AtlasPROfilax® has shown an 85% effectiveness in significantly improving the symptomatology developed after whiplash.
  • The 15% of patients who do not report noticeable changes with the application of AtlasPROfilax®, corresponds to the population that presented prior to the accident, conditions such as inversion of the cervical lordosis, an advanced cervical rectification or cervical discarthrosis, three chronic situations with manifest reduction of myofascial elasticity.
  • In most cases, once AtlasPROfilax® has been applied, it is recommended that the patient go to his trusted osteopath to help normalize his soft tissues (especially the fascias that envelop and contain the muscles).

Whiplash refers to the mechanism of kinetic energy to the cervical region resulting from sudden acceleration and deceleration. It is often associated with injuries such as distension and cervical sprain, spasms, vertigo, cervical lordosis rectification, and dysphagia. The effectiveness of C1 IMD correction depends on the level of severity of the lesions.


AtlasPROfilax and discomfort after cervical whiplash

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Related References:

  • Barnes J.F. The basic science of myofascial release: mnorphologic change in connective tissue. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. pp.231 a 238. 1997.
  • Barnes, J.F. Myofascial Release: The Search for Excellence--A Comprehensive Evaluatory and Treatment Approach (A Comprehensive Evaluatory and Treatment Approach). Rehabilitation Services. 1990.
  • V.V.A.A. Posturologie. Régulation et dérèglement de la station debout.Elsevier Masson. 2005.
  • V.V.A.A. Integrative Osteopathie bei Rückenschmerz: Systematische Diagnostik und ganzheitliche Therapie. Urban & Fischer Verlag. Elsevier. 2013.
  • Kuklinski, Bodo. Das HWS-Trauma: Ursache, Diagnose und Therapie. Aurum. 2006.
  • Kuklinski, Bodo; Schemionek, Anja .Schwachstelle Genick: Wie große und kleine Unfälle in Beruf und Freizeit Ihre Halswirbelsäule zum unaufhaltsamen Krankheitsgenerator machen. Aurum. 2006.


Please read our disclaimer

It is not our intention that readers of this website assume that the Minor Intervertebral Derangement of the Atlas is the only cause of the health problems listed earlier in this section.  Pain is usually a warning sign that there is an actual or potential tissue damage, so it is necessary to see a specialist to determine its possible causes.

E.g. headaches or local pain can have many causes and can also be a sign of an ongoing disease. Even apparent benign muscle pain can indicate a metabolic, immune, vascular or joint condition. Therefore, if you have any of these health problems, please contact your doctor and follow the proper treatment. Remember to manage your health quickly.

AtlasPROfilax® is a kinesiological method that supports allopathic and natural medicine as well as orthopedic dentistry. In no case does it interfere with or replace medical and/or dental treatments or medicines. The only purpose is to correct the MID of the Atlas to improve the quality of life of the patient and turn their body into a more fertile ground for any subsequent treatment and therapy.

The same way that a large number of patients react quite well to complementary medicine specialties (homeopathy, neural therapy, acupuncture, naturopathy, aromatherapy, nutraceuticals, osteopathy, chiropractic, massages, energy therapies, etc.), there is always a population that, due to a lack of receptivity to these techniques or due to the condition of their own health, does not have the expected results.

Likewise, as Chilean biologists Maturana and Varela state, "Living beings are networks of molecular productions where the produced molecules generate their interactions in the same network that produces them". This principle of autopoiesis, which deals with self-production and self-regulation, explains why some patients evolve favorably with a therapy while others don't.

All the above is to point out that the atlas MID correction has been shown to be highly effective in reducing benign chronic myofascial pain, in some functional alterations of posture as well as in the rearrangement of the Tonic Postural System. However, as in any specialty of complementary medicine, the results are proportional to the patient's autopoiesis.

There are several probable etiologies for the development of problems and pain in the body, from endogenous (genetic, congenital, autoimmune, etc.), exogenous (allergic, iatrogenic, pathogenic, etc.), environmental (mechanical and postural, ergonomic, professional, etc.) and multifactorial (neoplastic, idiopathic, psychosomatic, etc.) alterations.

The misalignment of the Atlas had not been taken into account up until the development of Osteopathy in 1874 by A. Taylor Still, M.D. and the birth of Chiropractic in 1895 by D. D. Palmer. The concept of Minor Intervertebral Desarrangement was included in 1969 by R. Maigne, M.D. The MID of the Atlas, studied in depth for 20 years by Dr. R.-C. Schümperli, E.M., was published in 1993.

The MID of C1 is one of the factors that triggers myofascial pain, but it is not the only one. Minor Intervertebral Derangement of any area of the spine may be painfully projected into certain muscles and ligaments. This to point out that the MID of C1 is not a justification for all myofascial pain, although the correction of this MID helps to reverse MIDs from other areas.

The correction of the MID of C1 has been highly favorable for the following cases:

  • Fascial hysteresis (plastic deformation of fascial tissues that prevents the correct length of muscles).
  • A wide range of pains (headache, cervical pain, arm pain, upper back pain, low back pain, pain in the sacrum, pain in the coccyx, hip pain, knee pain and heel pain).
  • Chronic pain that is neither malignant nor metabolic nor autoimmune (muscular, periarticular and paravertebral pains).
  • Propensity to muscle and joint rigidity of a non-malignant nature (that is not the product of metabolic, genetic and/or congenital disorders).
  • Postural abnormalities (Not of neuropathic, myopathic and/or osteopathic origin, or due to congenital or genetic syndromes).
  • Chronic contractions (not related to degenerative conditions of the spine and joints).
  • Trigger points (Mainly affecting the head, neck and upper extremities).
  • Some stress syndromes (that have not had a good therapeutic response to conventional techniques).
  • Poor execution of simple tasks and activities (Progressive decrease in strength and mobility, which has no neuropathic or genetic origin).
  • Post-cervical whiplash syndromes (mood and sleep disorders, galloping pain and stiffness, all after an accident).
  • Sedentary pain (In patients who have a upper crossed syndrome aggravated by their work and posture).