

Too many unnecessarily suffer from the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Searching for "Fibromyalgia Treatment" on PubMed only gives 7144 results (October 9th, 2021). For comparison reasons, "Cancer Treatment" gives 2427517 results!

Our research indicates that most clients have a positive effect after the AtlasPROfilax® application. Some of the results are listed here:

  • 96% of patients with fibromyalgia-related pain disorders show improvement after the application of AtlasPROfilax®
    • better quality of sleep
    • less pain
    • better posture
    • increased mobility
    • fewer gastrointestinal disorders
    • less tension in the neck and trapezius
    • less tension in the jaw
  • 88% of fibromyalgia patients indicate that after the application of AtlasPROfilax®, their quality of life is improved by 80%

You are welcome tread more on our web page:, and the full article is available at:

If you, or someone you care for, are diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, take the time tread more on this topic and look for an Atlasprof® near you. We are available in 41 countries, and you can find all certified and active therapists here:

If you are a medical doctor, dentist, chiropractor, physiotherapist, or have a similar degree in the medical field, please check out the possibility tget trained in the AtlasPROfilax method tfurther help your clients. You find the link here:

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